PG Tricentennial Prince George's County:
Over 300 years of History

Chareles Benedict Calvert Portrait
Charles Benedict Calvert was born in August, 1808, at Riversdale, the plantation of his parents, George and Rosalie Stier Calvert. A dedicated and progressive agriculturalist, he was instrumental in the formation of the Prince George's County Agricultural Society, the Maryland State Agricultural Society and the United States Agricultural Society. Calvert was the prime mover in the establishment of the Maryland Agricultural College, now the University of Maryland at College Park. He served three terms in the Maryland House of Delegates and, in 1861, was elected to the United States House of Representatives. During his term, he aggressively worked for the establishment of a federal Department of Agriculture, a goal that was realized after his death. Calvert died at Riversdale in May, 1864.

We would like to thank the Hall of Fame and the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission for allowing us to share part of the Hall of Fame on the web.

Prince George's History page.
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These pages were created as a part of the 1996 PG County Tricentennial celebration. Additional history resources are listed on the bibliography page. These pages are not being updated. They are now located on the Prince George's County Historical Society's web site. Contact links: web site manager - Society information. You can search the entire site through this search form.:

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